We would like to extend our thanks to all who visited the Enluxtra booth at the Symposium on Advanced Wound Care (SAWC) in Atlanta! The turnout at the booth was incredible and we have met with great enthusiasm about our product. Here’s a quick summary of our success at the event, with some first-hand impressions of our Director of Clinical Affairs Vicki Fischenich. Technology "We had a variety of guests, including both new and previous customers. The main topic of interest was Enluxtra technology and its ability to provide the wound bed and surrounding tissue with all the healing requirements", says Ms. Fischenich. "The notion that there is no product that can do just that is firmly planted in everybody's minds, but it is, to say the least, old-fashioned." |
For best results Enluxtra dressings must fully cover the compromised periwound areas. The importance of this application tip is frequently missed or underestimated by both existing Enluxtra users and new customers. All our booth visitors were educated about this requirement that typically does not apply for other dressings.
Many guests shared their success stories after the sizing issue was corrected. If your patient is not healing properly, make sure you are using the correct size of Enluxtra dressing.
Always base your choice on periwound area measurements, then simply add 4 cm to the greatest dimension and you will arrive at the correct dressing size.
Simplicity and cost savings
"There were many guests looking for simplicity of care, which Enluxtra is certainly a champion of; as well as reduction of cost and co-products use, especially among administrative decision makers", Ms. Fischenich continues. "We have many examples proving that Enluxtra can help standardize wound care and cut its costs".
Enluxtra dressings are reimbursed by Medicare: up to 30 dressings per month under the trade name
Enluxtra Humifiber Wound Dressing.
The HCPCS codes are:
HCPCS A6196 for 4”x4”
HCPCS A6197 for 6”x6”
Universal application
Ms. Fischenich stresses the universal nature of Enluxtra dressings that is often overlooked: “Enluxtra dressings are designed to be both absorbing and hydrating, so they work equally well for heavily draining wounds and dry wounds. Your best bet is to use Enluxtra at the very onset of any wound to prevent it from growing larger and to expedite its healing.”
International expansion
We are proud to offer our product stateside and in select countries around the world. Our international booth visitors have expressed great interest in Enluxtra and we certainly have big plans to expand its availability to major markets overseas.
Reasonable costs and versatility were the benefits named by our South American guests who hope to treat a variety of wounds faster and reduce wound care product inventories when they gain access to Enluxtra dressings.
Enluxtra brand awareness continues to grow day by day, and it's at events like SAWC that one can discover Enluxtra dressings for the first time, chat with our team representatives, and get answers to all the questions.
If you didn't get a chance to stop by, please order your FREE SAMPLES today to experience the benefits of Enluxtra dressings.
See other posts in the Enluxtra Blog